Saturday, May 21, 2011

World Weird Signage

These are confusing, weird, bizarre signs and instructions, that are likely to deliver you to Vogons, who will gladly recite to you a poem, or two... Well, regardless, this is all the more material for our on-going, wildly popular series of Weird Signage. This is the 14th installment in the series; make sure to check the previous ones!

Entry... Exit... and a little disclaimer in the middle: "Sorry for any inconvenience":

Surprise! -

You Shall Not Pass! -

Sacred cows? -

Too many options: 

This sign appropriately says "Funeral Home" (left):

Above right: all directions lead "Downtown"! (but, of course). Here, also, you'd think twice before entering -

Sometimes road signs are, indeed, helpful, considering the total weirdness around them:

It's a hard work, painting the lines -

You've Been Warned!

Warning signs are no joke - they keep us from harm and tell us the right thing to do in the circumstances... except when they are put together by some lunatics with a twisted sense of humor, or often, no sense at all:

How deadly? Go ahead, find out -

"If he will not chew you up, I will shoot you down!" -

"Careful: cats!" -

Sign tempting, or rather "trolling" you:

Altered Signs

Plenty of altered signs as part of an urban art project in Amarillo, Texas (more info):

See more here and here.

Nicely 'shopped:



"Vote for..." -

Very important government campaign:

More Than a Toilet

Solve the puzzle first! -

You'd have to walk on water, and then pee in it? -

(sent in from Hengest - Bognor on the South coast of England)

Convenient gender change:

Clever use of the gender symbols in the latest release from "She & Him":

Lost in Translation, but Gained in Hilarity!

Fakes! -

Although, sometimes even signs in native English make us clearly wonder if we stumbled in parallel Universe:

Wacky & Wicked Storefronts and Labels

"Shirley Can't Surf" has been sent to us by Shirley Richard. She says: "This sign is from a real shop in Key West Florida. Since my name is Shirley I thought I would go and ask the owner about the sign. I asked, "What makes you think I cannot surf?' He said, "Because every Shirley that has walked into this shop can't surf and neither can my wife." I can't surf."

Why lie? -

Church signs do not disappoint:

Suicidal Teens Welcome! -

Swastik Spices! - we got this photo from Matthew Lowden, this is a real sign spotted in Fort Kochi, Kerala, India:

Excellent idea! -

Awesome product:

Sign on the left says "Cut out this coupon and save!". Sign on the right was, well, cut out:

Textbook for kids poses a question:

More creativity for kids on a playground:

"Protect your child! There is a serial killer in your house! It's a COMPUTER!" -

"If you see someone drowning, throw him this!" Well, there supposed to be lifesavers, except that they were stolen, and now there is only... a brick? -

Useful instruction on how to use chopsticks (with some weird options added in):

Also very useful instructions on how to survive during the gas attack:

Having great fun with corporate logos:

Somewhere in Russia - the "i-Bay"? -

Even better: this is the poster for the Independence Day of Kazakhstan. Except that now Kazachstan is located in America -

Finally, a vintage sign that we all can relate to: